
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oklahoma City and Edmond Gas Prices

Oklahoma City Living

As gas prices decline and have reached prices lower than it’s been in several years, I’m waiting to see the other industries and products lower their cost. According to the local news, higher gas prices resulted in paying more for our groceries, electricity, road repair, and construction. Even my lawn company went up as a result in the last jump in gas prices. I could go on and on about diferent products raising prices to compensate for gas, desiel, and oil prices.
According to the trend of gas prices being high, less people drive, which one would think might lower insurance premiums and reduce road repair. If you have noticed any reduction in the cost of living due to higher gas prices, please share it with me.

Gas prices today, entice me to go out and get a high performance car. A big V-8 that will burn the tires off for two blocks, although I haven’t seen tire prices come down yet.
I’m sure a big reason for the prices that were raised due to the fuel cost are remaining high to help recover from the damage done, but it only makes since to me, that if gas prices remain low, logically other prices will start to lower also. The offset is the thousands of Employees that have fuel related jobs, and people who stimulate our economy from the money they make from fuel, will eventually suffer and that will cause harm to our economic situation. Fuel is very powerful when it comes to setting the standards for our economy. If the lower prices help your business, please pass it on.
Dreams Do Come True

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oklahoma City Ariports

Oklahoma City Airport Real Estate

While doing some research about Warr Acres Oklahoma, I thought about the nearby Wiley Post Airport in Bethany. I looked up their website and found some facts that I thought to be interesting.

Located in the Northwest Oklahoma City area, the Wiley Post Airport is home to almost 50 businesses with approximately 1000 employees. The airport is also neighborhood friendly with runways that allow takeoffs with minimum noise to the area during most weather conditions. It is home for nearly 400 aircraft ranging from single engine to corporate jets. Wiley Post is also designated as a reliever for the Will Rogers World Airport. I have dined at the Annie Okie’s Runway Café under the control tower several times and have always enjoy the food and the window view of the planes taking off and landing. It’s also fun to watch the exited children that sometimes frequent the restaurant with their parents.
The Wiley Post Airport has flight training and plane rental facilities. There is also a museum, and planes for sale. I’m sure there are many different types of service centers, as well as flight support.

If you work, have a business or affiliated the Wiley Post Airport in any way, We would love for your comments. Feel free to tell us about the business you are with, or any history about the airport that those who read this might be interested in knowing about.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oklahoma City Neighbors

My wife Nancy and I are Realtors in the Oklahoma City Community. We work for Paradigm AdvantEdge Realty in Edmond Oklahoma.

We live in the Woodcreek Addition in Warr Acres Oklahoma. Warr Acres is it's own small city that helps make up Oklahoma City. It has it's own Fire station, Police Department, City Hall, and lots of businesses. We like most things about Warr Acres and are excited to see it growing in the latest ways of development. As Realtors, we don't like to see homes and office buildings empty. There is a shopping center not too far from us that used to be a TG&Y or something. I am told the owner lives in New York or some were such as that. He won't sell the property and will only lease it. It has been 90% vacant for the last several years. The owner probably is just holding out for the property value, which someday will amount to a large some. Meanwhile, our City has a building that is not very attractive that could be used for many things.

Nancy and I want anyone living in the Oklahoma City and Edmond area to tell us about your neighborhood. We have already started a web site where people can express their likes and dislikes about the community you call home. Who knows if it will have any impact or help, but at least it will bring some communities together to share what works and doesn't work for them.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Oklahoma Foliage

I welcome the changing of the leaves. It's not because I am looking forward to winter, but I will embrace it as the time comes. It means Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon and we will get to see more of our family. Although autumn officially began on or around September the 21st, the leaves have been slow to start changing colors this year.
As I look around our neighborhood in Oklahoma City, I would speculate only about 10 -15 percent of the leaves have lost their green color. It's been a very warm fall in Oklahoma. Soon we will have that really cold night and some wind, then they will all be gone.

Feel free to share what it's like in your area. I know there are some spectacular views as you drive into southeastern Oklahoma into the mountains, but I have no clue as to when it's beauty will peak out.